
Ginho globally continues to grow and develop, we are consistently investing in new technology to add value to our world class manufacturing facility. The European division continues to grow and in doing so there have been several new welcome additions to the European team.

Mr Damien Taylor has been with the business for over 6 years. Damien has transitioned through Ginho in various roles gaining experience in many areas of the business. He has now been promoted to Ginho European Product Launch Engineer here he supports customers and internal team members from the start of new sample orders until they get to serial production.

Mrs Theresa Mackay recently joined the business as our European Quality Engineer, Theresa has a wealth of knowledge along with hands-on experience. Theresa offers support to all our colleagues at all our global locations and provides valuable support and assistance to our customers with technical and quality systems and documents.

Mrs Wei Wei To joined the business in March as our European Financial Controller. Wei Wei has extensive financial knowledge and experience and is responsible for all financial aspects of the business throughout our European divisions.